Quick Update

Hi all,

I had been hoping to do several more posts this week than I have, but unfortunately life got in the way.  My wife, who is carrying our second baby, had to go to the hospital this week due to fears about pre-term labor.  All seems well now, but she’s on a form of bedrest which means I’m having to pick up a lot of slack as far as childcare and housekeeping are concerned.  I’ll probably have less time to write (and sadly, podcast) over the next month or two, so please accept my apologies in advance for any diminished content.

I hate having to say my personal life is interfering with my passion and making any kind of announcement here, but I thought that you all should know about it.  I’ve still got several articles planned (and a few that will be popping up in non-internet sources soon, too) and Laine and I always have the podcast planned about three months out, so we’ll definitely have stuff out to you, but please be patient if things don’t come quite as frequently as they have been.

Here’s hoping all is well out there with you!  Thanks for reading, and for your support and understanding!


8 thoughts on “Quick Update”

  1. Cory, take care of that family, that comes first (as you already know!).
    Those of us that follow the cast and blog seem to be pretty hardcore and dedicated, so I’m sure I speak for most of us when I say..We’ll be here when things settle down.
    Wishing you and the family positive energies, wisdom and strength.
    Take care!

  2. Glad to hear your wife is doing better…and it’s much more important to take care of her and your family! Good luck and Birghtest Blessings for all of you. I love this podcast and have already learned so much and branched out more than I thought possible. Thank You!

  3. yup like the other have said and will say, you take care of your family, and of you <– make sure that you take care of you to cause then you will have enough to take care of you family to.. mmk..

    (((hugs and loves)))

  4. I’m just glad everything is ok. Don’t worry about us…we’ll be alright waiting patiently. Life happens. Take care of it and we’ll all look forward to hearing from you when you get a chance! (and I hope to see you in September if possible!)

  5. Happy to hear your family is doing better! Looking forward to future podcasts, blogs, after you and your family are all taken care of and are well rested.

    Wishing you all blessings!

  6. Congratulations on your second baby! I’m happy to hear your wife is doing well. Take care and wishing you all health and happiness.

  7. Thanks everybody for all the support and well-wishes! We’re almost out of the woods now, and things are getting back to normal (well, as normal as they ever are around here). I really appreciate all the love that’s come our way!

    With deepest gratitude,

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