Quick Update – Peter Paddon (1964-2014)

Peter Paddon (1964-2014). Bendith.
Peter Paddon (1964-2014). Bendith.

Dear friends,

If you have not heard yet, last Thursday morning the news came that good friend, teacher, and cunning man Peter Paddon had passed away in his sleep during the night. You can read his full obituary at the Wild Hunt, which presents a small sampling of the many, many people his loss has left grieving (not least his wonderful wife Linda and his children). I am unsure of the future trajectory of the numerous projects to which he had put his industrious and enchanted hands (a fancy way of saying I don’t know what will happen next with things like the Crooked Path, Pendraig Publishing, and other things he was working on). But I do know that like many others, my heart breaks to think of a world without him in it. I recognize that he is with us still as an ancestor, but I will very much miss seeing him in person for the remainder of my time here in the mortal realm.

I’m working on several memorial projects at the moment, as Peter was a major influence on me and on what I do. I expect that you’ll see those appear in the future through our site here. For now, I know that his family will need support and assistance. To that end, I’ve posted a button on the top right of the page which you can click to offer some financial support to the family. Or you can just click here. I am going to be donating this week, and I have decided to donate all proceeds from October to December 2014 from sales of my book Fifty-four Devils to Peter’s family or a fund of their choosing as well. I encourage anyone who can to help.

As I learn more about the legacy Peter leaves, and what will happen with his many projects in the future, I’ll keep you posted. Until then, as Peter would say, Bendith.

Blessings to you,


2 thoughts on “Quick Update – Peter Paddon (1964-2014)”

  1. Hey Cory, great idea and very kind of you to do this. I tried the link and got a 404 though. It may be a temporary thing but thought I’d point it out in case it needs a fix.

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